Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Simple ways to be happy

Day one: Instant mood booster -Build some mental muscle.

Just as weight-training can help you be a better runner, exercising your brain can make it easier to think positive. For most of us, meditation is like flossing - something that never makes it off the to-do list. But just a few minutes a day could help get your brain in happy shape, so try this simple technique.
• Pick a word with peaceful connotations, such as 'calm', 'relax' or 'love'.
• Sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes and breathe slowly.
• Each time you exhale; silently repeat your chosen word.
• When other thoughts arise, gently dismiss them and keep repeating your word.
• Build up to doing this for ten minutes at a time.

Day 2: Instant mood booster - Have a daily 'happy hour'.Click here to read in detail

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