Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tips to Organize Household Chores

Creating a schedule for organizing chores is the best way to make sure the chores are completed. Work and school are constants during the week and can be used as a checkpoint around your activities. For example, load or unload the dishwasher before work. After you come home from work sort through the mail and throw in a load of laundry before you sit down on the couch, otherwise you’re likely to stay there. Keeping your organizing activities structured within your daily routine will help you stay on track.

Make it a Habit
Once repeat a behavior 15 times, it becomes a habit. If you wake up every morning and pick up the towels from the bathroom floor and put away all of the things you use while getting ready for just 15 days in a row, it will become a habit and you’ll do it without even thinking about it. Developing good organizational habits each day will help you stay organized throughout the week and reduce the odds that come Sunday morning you’ll have to do an exhaustive cleaning overhaul.

Hire Help
If there are certain chores you hate doing or Click here to read in detail

Botox Treatment To Prevent Wrinkles

Botox is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure and the main reason people have it done is to make them younger. As we get older the levels or elastin and collagen within our skin start to rapidly diminish which means our skin starts to sag and become wrinkly. Although Botox has its limitation with regards to treating excessive sagging skin, it is very effective at treating frown lines and smile lines around the eyes.

Botox is actually a neuro toxin and it works be preventing nerves functioning within the body/face. By specifically targeting certain nerves within the face Botox can improve your cosmetic appearance. If you consider the frown lines within your forehead, the reason you get them is because of the over action of the Corrugator Supercilii muscle (the frown muscle). If the nerve that supplies this muscle is prevented from sending its signal (electric impulse) then the muscle will stop working and the frown lines/wrinkles will reduce.

A Botox practitioner is able to target specific nerves all over your face to reduce the tell-tale signs of ageing. Although Botox is used predominantly for cosmetic purposes it does also have some medical benefits too. Examples of such benefits are in the treatment of chronic migraines and excessive sweating.
As to whether Botox actually stops us ageing, well unfortunately the answer is no!

Read more about this below:

• Anyone who claims to have found the cure for ageing is simple not telling the truth and you should tell them so!

• The main problem Click here to read in detail

Types of Laser Eye Surgery in detail

Laser eye surgery: Laser eye surgery is the general name given to any procedure that corrects the vision by means of a laser. The way that laser eye surgery corrects the vision is by changing the shape of the cornea (outer surface of the eye) in such a way that the prescription in your glasses/contact lenses is eliminated. If you are short sighted, the laser needs to flatter the curve of your cornea, whereas if you are long side the opposite applies. The 2 most common types of laser eyes surgery are Lasik and Lasek eye surgery.

Lasik: Lasik is a type of laser eye surgery and is by far the most common procedure currently being carried out. Approximately 90% of all laser eye surgery procedures are performed using the Lasik method. During Lasik eye surgery a thin outer layer (flap) of your cornea is cut and lifted from the surface of your eye. The laser is then applied to the inner layers of the cornea to eliminate the prescription in your glasses or contact lenses. The flap is then returned back to its original place and is left to heal naturally.

Lasek: Lasek,which is also referred to as PRK, accounts for about 10% of all laser eye surgery procedures. It is Click here to read in detail

Tips to Stay Slim While Working on Computers.

It is so easy to gain weight when you're sitting in front of a computer all day. Why? Because you're not moving much, giving your body no chance to burn off the calories from the food you eat. However, it is possible to stay slim and fit when you're working from a computer, whether you're working from home or at an office.

Take Regular Breaks
Hours of staring at a computer screen can cause your eyes to blur. Long hours of sitting also cause your neck, shoulders and back to ache. When you're working, it is best that you take small breaks between tasks. At home, when you have a little more freedom of time, you should take up to fifteen minutes to stretch, walk around the house and perform minute chores. If you work at an office, though, where the break times are more rigid, you can take a few minutes to stand out of your seat, walk around your office and stretch your neck and legs.

Walk Lots
Walking is a vital part of exercise. It stimulates blood flow, clears the mind and tightens muscles. Instead of driving to work, you can walk to work. That is, if you live within walking distance. If your commute is Click here to read in detail

Tips to Lose Weight Without Dieting.

One pound of fat means approximately 3500 calories. By cutting about 500 calories per day through exercise and other modifications, you can shed a pound in a week. If you just want to maintain your current weight, cutting about 100 calories per day is sufficient. Adopt these simple and starvation-free strategies for losing weight without dieting:

1. Eating breakfast
Usually people believe that skipping breakfast is an easy way of cutting calories; however, that usually leads to consuming more calories throughout the day, according to Web MD. According to the website, research has shown that people who eat breakfast usually have lower BMIs than those who skip breakfasts.

2. No entry in the kitchen at night:
Set a time for yourself and close Click here to read in detail

5 Ways to Make Your Lashes Look Longer

1. Mascara
While it may seem like an obvious choice, mascara is an effective way of making your lashes look longer. If you have tried mascara in the past and were underwhelmed by the results, read on. Today's mascaras do a much better job of making lashes look longer than past formulas. Check the labels for a mascara that is touted as "lengthening". Lengthening mascaras are a thinner consistency than the thickening variety, which enables you to apply several ayers which build on each other and add length without looking like a gloppy, Tammy Faye-inspired mess.

2. Lash Serum
A lash serum is a special mix of vitamins and other ingredients that are applied to the lashes using a mascara-type wand. The serum is Click here to read in detail

Daily Meditation Exercise

Coming back to the meditation, it is quite easy, simply after taking bath, sit either on your bed or on the floor of your room. But if you are a kind of person who likes open and airy places then better try the veranda of your house instead of your room.

1. As soon as you sit down close your eyes for 10 minutes and think about just anything, anything on earth.

2. Don’t stress your mind to think about something that you want to think about, just let the thoughts flow in your mind like a smooth undisturbed stream of water.

3. As the thoughts pass by, your “Recycle Bin” of brain will become empty.

Simple ways to be happy

Day one: Instant mood booster -Build some mental muscle.

Just as weight-training can help you be a better runner, exercising your brain can make it easier to think positive. For most of us, meditation is like flossing - something that never makes it off the to-do list. But just a few minutes a day could help get your brain in happy shape, so try this simple technique.
• Pick a word with peaceful connotations, such as 'calm', 'relax' or 'love'.
• Sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes and breathe slowly.
• Each time you exhale; silently repeat your chosen word.
• When other thoughts arise, gently dismiss them and keep repeating your word.
• Build up to doing this for ten minutes at a time.

Day 2: Instant mood booster - Have a daily 'happy hour'.Click here to read in detail

Hottest Fashion Accessory Trends

Handbags: In regard to the season change, different color trends have emerged in handbags. Black, red, and teal tones have made their appearance on the runway and their popularity continues to resonate amongst the general consumer population.

In addition, classic clutches and modern shopper totes are also some of the fall's hottest accessory trends. Add a classic patent leather satchel, and you have a style that will awe onlookers throughout the entire season.

With the presence of cold, blustery weather on the rise across the country, many men and women are beginning to pull out their ultimate winter fashion accessory: scarves.

Scarves : While scarves were initially introduced as a cold-weather tool, they have made their way into the fashion accessory category. A simply scoop neck long-sleeved tee with a flowing scarf is the ultimate winter look. Pair it with a pair of leather, knee-high boots to complete this look.Click here to read in detail

Top 5 Skin Diseases and treatment

One of the most common diseases people suffer from is skin diseases. This is mainly because it is probably the most exposed part of your body. Skin diseases can’t be ignored simply because it hits us at our very core and is very visible too. In a very physical world, be it in the confines of our homes, halls of our offices, or walls of our classrooms, skin diseases calls for action and immediate intervention.

While there are numerous types and kinds of skin diseases, here are the top 5 skin diseases and how to treat them.

1. Acne – is the most common skin disease brought to skin experts first for treatment then ultimately, for prevention of a comeback or worsened state. It is also called “pimples” in layman terms and these are most prevalent in one’s face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne state is inflammatory but is also known to manifest in non-inflammatory form. Acne is also most common during adolescence though in some isolated cases, into adulthood.

2. Seborrheic KeratosisClick here to read in detail

Pros and Cons of Using Birth Control

Pros of Using Birth Control
The most obvious and logical benefit of using birth control is to prevent an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy. This is done by letting synthetic estrogen into your blood stream, either through the ingestion of pills, a vaginal ring, or other methods of birth control. The levels of synthetic estrogen make the body believe it is pregnant, which ultimately creates an inhospitable environment for any egg.

For women who struggle with inconsistent menstruation periods, birth control can be used as a means of regulation internal cycles. The levels of estrogen and progesterone are leveled out to a normal level, which creates a more balanced system within a woman’s body. In young women who Click here to read in detail

Prevent stretch marks in pregnancy

Stretch marks are, I am sure, something that every pregnant woman would rather avoid. You've all seen them, either live or on Google, and if you are currently trying to get pregnant or already expecting, you may well have wondered how you can prevent them. These ugly marks appear when the elastic supporting tissue right underneath your skin is put under too much stress, expanding too rapidly to adjust. At the beginning, they may be bright purple, brown or pink – and though they fade into silvery lines later on, wouldn't it be fantastic if you can skip them altogether?

Soon after we got our positive pregnancy test, my husband and I headed to a fancy department store and bought a huge tub of far too expensive Estee Lauder cream to help prevent stretch marks. I put a lot of thought into the inside of my body – eating well and exercising regularly – and I also liked the thought of keeping my skin the way it was Click here to read in detail

Ways to Redecorate Your Dining Room

If your dining room is looking dated, consider these easy tips to give it a fresh look. These budget-friendly changes will have your dining room looking brand new in no time!

1. A dining room is the place to enjoy a relaxing meal free of distraction. Clearing out clutter in the room can help you feel more relaxed in this space. A table, chairs, and a buffet are the only pieces that you need in the room. Keep horizontal surfaces mostly clear, with the exception of a few decorative items.

2. Color sets the tone for the whole room. If you’re looking for a change, a new coat of paint could be just the thing your dining room needs. To make a large, open dining room feel cozier, use a deep shade of a warm color. For example, gold, red and subtle shades of orange are warm and welcoming. On the flip side, if you are working with a smaller space, light colors will make the room seem larger than it is. Try a chic shade of light gray, cool blue or crisp white.

3. This is a great tip for those Click here to read in detail

Care for Your Back

In order to alleviate back pain and prevent further damage to your spine, muscles and nerves, it is important to take measures to ensure your back stays in good shape. All you must do is make a few minor alterations to your lifestyle and habits.


When the rest of the body is out of shape, the back is guaranteed to suffer, too. At first, avoid strenuous exercises like lifting weights, gardening or situps. Instead, go for a walk or swim. After you feel better, switch your focus to strengthening core muscles, which will in turn support your back.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is Click here to read in details

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Easy Men's Hairstyle

Though not talked about much till recently, men’s hair is now attracting the lime light. Especially in the recent times, men have gained enough ‘looks’ consciousness, that they take care of their skin, hair and fitness just like any woman. This section of the article speaks about the various popular hair styles along with tips, advices and techniques related to men’s hair.

1) A military hair cut which is popular among men is the simplest to achieve and the easiest to maintain. You can just get your hair done in this style using a hair trimmer on the sides of the scalp. The hair on the top portion is cut to the desired length (usually short), and gradually merges with the length of the hair on the sides.
The proportions of length of hair on sides and top can be varied giving to give it a unique look according to your looks and preference. If you have a very lean neck, this style may not be your cup of tea! This style looks extremely elegant on few men and it actually helps men save their time in maintaining their hair style. It is typically suitable for men in equatorial, coastal and other hot and humid regions.

2) Punk is another sought- Click here to read in detail-